Can food cause acne too?

acne treatment tips
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Have you ever scoured the internet for the best cream for pimples and how to remove acne scars? Are you tired of trying various remedies for pimples that you found online? The solution may be closer to home than you think. It appears that the best acne treatment might be a simple change in your diet! Research has finally found correlations between certain foodstuffs and acne breakouts, making life a little easier than resorting to complicated acne treatment every time. Here’s taking a look at how your food affects your skin.

A study published in the Archives of Dermatology (2002) studied 1200 people in Papua New Guinea and 115 people in Eastern Paraguay. These people typically consume a diet of fresh plant food and lean meat they raise themselves, and they don’t need remedies for pimples, because they don’t have that problem at all! The study noted that acne is primarily a “Western” problem, ruling out the possibility that the sample population studied was genetically inclined to be acne-free by pointing out acne problems in people of similar genetic make-ups residing in Western countries. While agreeing that environmental factors may have something to do with this, the study pointed out that the typical Western diet (rich in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and processed food) is highly likely to be the leading cause of higher demand for acne treatments in the West.

Internationally renowned dermatologist Dr. Francesca Fusco believes that the kind of food consumed is definitely related to the condition of one’s skin, but it is challenging to prove this. Dr. Fusco says that a diet with a high glycemic index – i.e. a diet rich in processed foods that can be broken down into sugar quickly – can render the best of creams for pimples useless. Dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger elaborates.

Dairy Products can Cause Acne

Studies involving American women and teenage boys found that milk and dairy products can trigger acne breakouts. Dr. Schlessinger points out that the milk that is obtained from pregnant cows or from cows treated with Bovine Growth Hormones (BGH), contains bovine hormones like progesterone, insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1) and other compounds. The human body breaks these into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that can send the oil glands into overdrive, causing pimples. Current research cannot explain why, but skimmed milk is worse for acne than normal milk. In short, if you think how to remove acne scars then remember dairy products trigger acne breakouts, it’s best to avoid them.

Chocolate Worsen Existing Acne Condition

This may come as bad news for those looking at remedies for pimples, but chocolate has shown strong connections with the outbreak of acne. A recent research study involved ten men with an average of 2.7 lesions of acne, who were asked to consume 12 ounces of 100 percent pure cacao chocolate in one day. After seven days of a normal diet, they developed 18.2 lesions on an average. However, Dr. William Danby, Professor of Dermatology at Dartmouth, has pointed out that chocolate only worsens a pre-existing acne condition – there’s nothing to prove that it causes acne. A previous study, involving acne patients who consumed milk-free chocolate, showed absolutely no correlation between milk-free chocolate and acne. In fact, 72% dark chocolate actually lowered blood pressure!

Good Food for Good Skin

Dr. Danby believes that a dairy-free and low-glycemic diet is likely to help patients control their acne breakouts. Research indicates that the following may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin: omega-3 fatty acids; natural antioxidants like Vitamins A, C, and E; flavonoids in red wine, colorful vegetables, and green tea; selenium, zinc and a high-fiber diet. However, there isn’t enough research to prove this correlation between these factors and lower acne breakouts. Dr. Danby recommends that the acne treatment can be based on instinct: eliminate the intake of products that you suspect causes acne for at least four weeks and study the effects. Dr. Fusco adds a helpful tip: “What’s good for the body is good for the skin.”

One thought on “Can food cause acne too?

  1. Always wash your face with clear water and make sure to take a rest. Too much exposure outside and pollution causes acne breakouts.

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