Can Omega-3 Enhance Fat Loss ?

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In an article entitled “Top 10 Diet Controversies of All Time”  I wrote about the two main types of diets advocated by doctors and dietitians, those low in carbohydrates or those low in proteins. Sometimes these diets also included counting the calories consumed while engaging in increased physical activity to boost the body’s ability to get rid of fat with both sides generally agreeing that the fewer fats used in a diet for cooking or at meals, the more visible the weight loss results.

This seems like logical advice if you associate body fat with oil, butter, fried food and other greasy dishes so you can imagine my surprise when I came across a new medical study that stated the opposite point of view. In the study they said there was proof that fatty acids could actually help with the weight loss process but there is a catch, not any fatty acid has this power, in fact only two known fatty acids will help you on the road of a slimmer you.

To understand how this works you first have to understand fats, more particularly the difference between good fats which have a chemical combination that allows it to be light enough to not stick to the body and the bad fats that have a heavier form causing it to stick to the body and bring about immense frustration to those wishing to slim down. These two fat types are known as saturated fats which are commonly found attached to animal proteins or dairy products and unsaturated fats commonly found in plants such as olives, peanuts and soybeans.

omega 3

You can further break down the unsaturated fats into the monounsaturated or single-chain fats and the polyunsaturated or multi chained variety also known as Omega-3 and Omega-6 both of which can enhance weight loss. These polyunsaturated fats are used in many key functions of the body and its organs, making them part of the essential fats required for maintaining good health but they are not produced in the body, they have to be found in dietary sources. Omega-3 benefits are mainly associated with neural health including increasing memory function, repairing brain damage and improving cognitive skills but it is also known to help the cardiovascular system and improve hair cells and nail growth.

In fact each cell in the body is surrounded by a layer of fat called lipids, which helps protect the cell and allows hormones and nutrients to join together to fulfill its role in the body’s daily activities. Although any consumed mono, trans, or poly fats will work as a lipid fat it’s the Omega-3 and 6 that is found in cold-water sea fish such as mackerel, herring or salmon which provides the best results. Besides including fish into your diet you can also increase your daily intake of these fatty acids by taking fish oil supplements or Omega 3 capsules or by using plant-based polyunsaturated oils that have been fortified with EPA’s for cooking.

These benefits include regulating the metabolic levels by increasing insulin absorption and lowering the glycaemic levels in the blood that tends to rise after eating. It also promotes beta-oxidation which allows stores of fat to be broken down and burned as energy and leading to the desired results of a slimmer frame. Additionally Omega 3 works to block cortisol, a catabolic hormone produced by prolonged stress which breaks down lean muscle and is a major cause for fat gain.

By changing your diet to include healthy, natural products and cutting down the calorie intake each day, improving your lifestyle with exercise and eating the right kinds of fatty acids you can get the results you desire without having to follow fad diets or starve yourself. Just give your body what it really needs and you can get the body you really want!

2 thoughts on “Can Omega-3 Enhance Fat Loss ?

    1. Hi Garima,

      Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 helps in reducing weight. Our body does not make these fatty acids so you have to take it as suppliment.
      Omega-3 reduces the chances of blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, breast cancer and heart dieses. It is also good for skin and hair growth.
      Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are fresh fruits and vegitables, wheat germ, fish, cod liver, olive oil, garlic, flax seeds, walnuts, etc.

      On the other hand, Omega-6 aids in ADHD, eczema, menstrual pain, breast pain or tenderness. Sources of Omega-6 fatty acids are pumpkin seeds, seed oils, sunflower seeds, corn, sesame seeds, nuts, dairy products, etc.


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