Getting New Out of Old: Reuse Old Items to Decorate Your Home

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It is always fun to create something new and stunning from the wrecked things. For creative minds recycling and reusing old things provides great opportunity to exercise their creativity. The reused things will become more valuable than before. You will find number of old things in your store room. A keen look on them will awaken your creativity. What you need is some of ideas and tricks to convert them in beautiful items. I am here to give you some unique ideas to get new out of old.

Using old windows

  • Make a swing for your patio with the old window. Attach the metal string to the frame of window and hang it. Cover the surface with the foam. Add beauty by some printed cotton fabric on the foam.
  • Paint the boundary of window with pink color. Attach multicolored glace paper on it. Hang it behind the bed of your daughter. This will look as a great support to the bed and will glorify the room.
  • If you have a large stationary window available, use it to make your art gallery. Hang it on wall and place digital prints to canvas of your art work. You can also make it a family tree by placing large photo prints of your family. It will look awesome.
  • Attach hooks with horizontal window frame and hang it on wall. This will become a stand for hanging coats, trousers and other costumes.
  • An old window can become a standing mirror by just fixing the mirror in to it. Cut the glass of window, replace it with mirror.

What to make of old lamps

Don’t through the old lamps. They can be useful in these ways

  • An old lamp can be converted into beautiful vases. If your old lamp has a base of glass, fill it with multicolored plastic or glass balls. It will shine in your room. In case of ceramic base paint it with vibrant color and your new vase is ready.
  • Smash the old lamp and its pieces will serves as mosaic in your garden.
  • You can use the lamp top to cover your biscuit jars.

Using old bulbs and glass ware

  • You can use the fluorescent vases and bowls to make the garden mushrooms. A vase will become base and upside down bowls will be heads. Here you have a crystal mushrooms for your garden.
  • Hang the old crystal showpieces with metal strip and insert lights in it. It will turn into elegant light fixtures.
  • Old light fixture can serve as the garden bird bath. Place it on iron rod dig in the sand.
  • Light bulbs are aesthetically pleasant objects. Convert them into dining candles by filling with wax and inserting thread inside.
  • Glass bulbs will become a bud vase. Fill them with water and add a flower.
  • Similarly the bulbs can become hanging vases by attaching them to wire. They look awesome while hanging in a row. I hope you will be aware of air plants? They are cute little plants but do not need to be planted. They just need a surface to stick with. Hanging vases made up of old bulbs will be best suitable host for the air plants. Just go for them and add charm to your living room.

These are some ideas to recycle the old windows, lamps and bulbs of your home. These are very common items used in homes. Reusing them will give you the feeling of achievement. Try these tips, have fun and save your money.


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