How to Clean the Most Common Flooring Types

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Every home has some type of flooring. No matter what floor it is, it has to be cleaned periodically. Unfortunately, most homes have different flooring types in every room and cleaning them becomes a bit complicated as we have to use various products that fit the needs of the surface.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the type of floor and on various other factors such as the presence of kids and pets. The bigger the family, the more often you will have to clean.

Here we have provided a few of the most common flooring types and the way they are cleaned.



This type of flooring is generally composed of powdered wood with cork (not necessarily), linseed oil, drying agents, resin binders, limestone and some pigments.

It was invented in 1860 by a British manufacturer.

How to clean linoleum

Floor CleaningWith this type of flooring you should be more careful as to what cleaning products you use. It’s best if you don’t use chemical products. In order to clean linoleum floors, you need the following:

  • Mop
  • Hot water
  • Bucket
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Old towels
  • Mild soap
  • Rubber gloves (not necessary)

First off, vacuum the floor. Then fill a bucket with hot water and add some dish soap in it. Dip the mop into the water and squeeze it a little so that you don’t wet the floor too much. After you cover the whole area, empty the bucket and fill it with clean water. Mop again the entire area. When you are done, dry the floor with a towel.

Sheet Vinyl

This type of flooring is generally composed of limestone (small quantity) and vinyl resin. It is easy to install as it is manufactured in widths from 6′ to 15′. It is durable but not as much as Vinyl Asbestos Tile.

How to clean sheet vinyl

It’s always a good idea to minimize the stains and dirt, for this reason periodical cleans will give the surface a good look and prevent it from degrading. Cleaning of sheet vinyl is easy and simple. It doesn’t require a lot of products and items. All you need is a sponge mop and clean hot water. Go around the entire area, following the steps mentioned above and you will enjoy a clean and fresh sheet vinyl floor.

Furthermore, you can vacuum the surface every now and then to remove hair and dust. This is usually done prior to mopping the floor with a wet rag.

Vinegar is a great solution for dirty sheet vinyl. Apple cider vinegar will work best here. Its acidity will help get rid of the grime and dirt. Add a cup of vinegar into hot water and mop the floor. Let dry.

Vinyl Asbestos Tile (VAT)

This type of flooring is made of limestone (50%-70%), binder (15%-20%), asbestos (5%-20%), pigment (0.5%-5%) and plasticizer (5%).

VAT was first produced in the 1950s. It is known for its stability, durability and heat resistance.

How to clean VAT

The same approach can be applied here, as already mentioned above.

Or you can use ammonia solution to mop the floor. After that apply a liquid wax. Then you have to mop again, this time with some cleaning product such as Mr. Clean.

But if you don’t want to waste time and energy, try the method that goes for cleaning sheet vinyl flooring.

Water-based solutions are always preferred as they are healthy for you and non-harmful to the flooring. After all, some products and solutions may damage part of the floor. It is not worth the risk.

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