How to Keep Yourself Mentally Healthy

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Thanks to Internet, smart phones and social media, people are communicating and learning faster than ever. The major disadvantage of this impressive speed, however, is that people are so often going, going, and going that they don’t know how to stop and re-assess their mental stability. Some people have lifestyle choices that interfere with their mental health like excessive drinking, drug use, or abusive relationships. But, if you’re just worried about the condition of your mental health on a day-to-day basis, you can try to speak to a professional and/or try to apply some of these tips in order to keep yourself happy and sane.


1) Stop the Negative

        Everyone has negative traits in their life. For some, it’s negative people, a bad relationship, or a job. Whatever the reason, those negative feelings begin to take over your life. You start believe the negativity and in such, manifest that negativity into reality. One of the best things that you can do for yourself and those in your life is to release the negativity. If there is something in your life that you hate and can change, you need to do so. Continuing down a path of negative thoughts and relationships will damage your psyche and make you less penetrable to the beautiful things around you.

2) Stop and Find Some Fun

       mental health For so many people, their lives are bogged down with endless responsibilities and commitments that when you ask them “What’s the last fun thing you did?” they can’t give you an answer. When you go too long without having legitimate fun, you begin to forget how great life can be. Remember what your favorite hobbies are and get out there and do them, even when you don’t feel like it. Call your friends and tell them you need some fun time, they’ll be glad to finally have you out again. Remember that no one ever laid on the deathbed and wished for more time spent working. You get one chance at life, so make it count.

3) Stop Avoiding What Scares You

        When you let fear overtake your life, you’ll be amazed at the amount of things that you don’t end up doing. The best feeling in life is facing your fears head on and when you are on the other side, you don’t even remember what you were so afraid of. If you aren’t happy with the current conditions of your life is it because you are too scared to go for the things you do want? Love doesn’t happen without risk, winning doesn’t happen without a risk, nothing worth having in this world comes easily, so take the risk and change your life.

4) Stop Envying Others

        Thanks to reality television and social media, now you can know more about people than you ever wanted to. This also makes it easier for people to become envious of what others have. But, remember the old saying, “Before you judge someone’s life, be sure to walk a mile in their shoes.” Just because someone may appear to have the perfect life, they more likely don’t. Every person you will ever meet is in some kind of battle and they are trying to survive as well, so be kind and be grateful for the good things that you have in your own life.

If you’re really feeling down and out, seeking help is always a good idea. These three steps are a great place to start, though, and can really get your mind into the right place for whatever challenge may lie ahead.


10 thoughts on “How to Keep Yourself Mentally Healthy

  1. Internet is going fast and even children are sticking more to it. Of course it does help to maintain mental health (to some extent) the disadvantages are more. So doing hobbies (like you mentioned) and finding some fun are some of the good ways of relaxing mind.

    We may avoid doing these things
    1. Avoid doing repeated and boring activities
    2. working continuously without taking breaks
    3. Living in stressive/noisy environment
    5. Sleeping less

    and lot more to mention.

    Good post and great write 🙂

  2. You may and wanna add these..
    *focus on a goal- keeping the mind focus in a direction makes the proper use of human intellect.
    *taking things lightly- along with dedication the required amount of time and attention to things that need them, people seriously need to stop over thinking. M

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