How to lose stomach fat

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People must be motivated to lose their stomach fat for reasons other than vanity. The excess abdominal fat especially visceral fat that surrounds your organs and makes your stomach look like a beer gut is a sign obesity, which can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers, and insulin resistance. Though you can buy the best of generic drugs to treat these illnesses online, a lot of other factors may come in the way. Your hormones, age, and other genetic reasons may be responsible for you having a hard time trying to achieve weight loss. Mentioned below are 11 reasons why you have a tough time reducing your stomach fat? You’re getting older.

The body changes the way you gain and lose weight with age. The older men and women get, they experience a declining metabolism, or the amount of calories the body needs to function. Along with a slowing metabolism, women deal with menopause. Menopause causes the production of hormone’s estrogen and progesterone to slow down. The testosterone levels also drop at a slower rate. This drastic shift in the hormones causes women to hold the weight in their stomach. However you can still fight against it.

You’re doing the wrong workout

A regular run or spin class would work wonders for your heart, but this alone won’t be enough to help you achieve weight loss on your waist. Sangeeta Kashyap, an endocrinologist at a Cleveland clinic suggests “The combination of weights and cardiovascular training,” An increase in muscle mass is caused by strength training, which causes your body to burn more fat. Kate Patton, a registered dietician at Cleveland Clinic provides tips to lose weight. She says, “Muscle burns calories, and hence you naturally burn more calories.”

You’re eating too many processed foods

Kate Patton says, “Refined grains, as well as refined sugars in sweets increase inflammation in our bodies.” Fruits, vegetables and other natural foods contain antioxidant’s properties that can help you achieve weight loss.

You’re eating the wrong fats

Research proves that the high consumption of saturated fat increases visceral fat. While monounsaturated fats and types of polyunsaturated contain an anti-inflammatory effect in your body, if eaten in moderate amounts they will do your body good. Although Patton strictly warns that eating too much of fatty food will make you gain calories. So stick to a healthy proportion.

Your workout isn’t challenging enough

You have to make your workout sessions more challenging as people completing a high intensity workout lose excess fat than a low intensity workout plan. The challenging high intensity workouts will result in you achieving desired results in a lesser time by putting in all your efforts and strength.

You’re doing the wrong exercises

When you are working on losing your body fats, the routine crunches won’t do you any good. You must start doing functional exercises that make use of your core muscles such as the abdominal, back, pelvic, obliques and other body parts. There is a higher rate of burning calories while doing exercises that use more muscle.

You’re stressed

The daily stresses of life could take a toll on you and make it difficult for you to lose those extra pounds especially in your midsection. You can’t just put the blame on the sweet delights you relish on when you experience stress alone. The cortisol, a stress hormone, is also responsible for the increase of the amount of body fat your body latches on. More visceral fat has been linked to a higher level of cortisol.

You’re skimping on sleep

A study found that women who get sleep of less than five hours had 30 % more chances to gain 30 or more pounds than the ones who slept for 7 hours or longer.


All of us would prefer if our tummies were washboard-flat like those seen in those fitness ads on TV. But there are better reasons to lose that bulge; such as our health. While you may buy weight loss drugs and diet snacks from the store, the best way to stay fit and healthy and achieve weight loss is to work out, eat well, sleep well, and stay stress-free.

There are many ways to reduces calories and fat situated in the stomach of people going through menopause. They are just simple steps that can be taken into consideration in your everyday life.


amelia smith

Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

5 thoughts on “How to lose stomach fat

  1. A really good article, with lots of useful information. I totally agree that lifting weights is the best way to loose fat. but women usually avoid lifting weights due to many misconceptions.
    Cardio+weight training=health living

  2. Hey Gitanjali,
    I would suggest drinking green tea atleast 4-5 times in a day. It reduces cravings for fatty foods products and helps burn fat, while still keeping your body hydrated and refreshed. Also, include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, and cut down on rice and white bread.
    Hope this answer helps you!

  3. I am not an expert from my years of reading about fitness articles, I have concluded that spot reduction is actually a myth. Fat deposition and fat loss follow a patterns, belly fat is easier to gain and it goes off the tummy late. Mathematically, keeping a watch on the calorie count is a rock-solid way. I liked reading the post, I just shared my views on it 🙂

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