Diet for healthy hair
Hair is one of the most important beauty elements of our body. It plays a major role in our personality and the way we look. It is also seen as a sign of health. If one’s hair is thick and lustrous it is believed that the person is in good heath and if vice versa, i.e dull and thin hair, the person does not live a healthy life. The core reason for hair being either healthy or dull depends majorly on one’s diet. Hair takes its nutrients from food we eat so if we not eat healthy there is no source for our hair to absorb its required nutrients to be healthy! The common advice of ‘lather, rinse, and repeat’ does not always work because it is something that you do externally with chemicals. The main source of nutrients for hair should be taken care of. The secret to healthy hair lies in our diet. There are many foods for healthy hair which you can include your daily diet. Diet for healthy hair is a must.
Here are a few tips for healthy hair with a special list of foods for healthy hair:
Include legumes in your diet; kidney beans, lentils provide protein for hair growth
- Did you know your body produces its own hair conditioner! Hair follicles secrete sebum; an oily substance is your natural hair conditioner. Eat more of green leaf vegetables which are a rich source of vitamins A and C. They help in production of sebum.
- High in minerals, vitamins and absolute bliss for your hair; Almonds! Soak them a night before and take it in the morning.
- Whole grains are an excellent source of nutrients and fiber. They not only make your hair healthy, will boost your digestive system too.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are needed to support scalp health and one of its richest source is Salmon.
- Fruits of any kind especially, oranges, pineapple, guava etc. are known to be rich in Vitamin C, great for hair too.
- Go Nuts! Nuts contain high level of zinc which if deficient causes hair to fall. Cashews, almonds, pecans are the richest source of zinc.
- Shoot tow birds with one arrow; lose weight at the same time get healthy hair! Yes, you heard us right and only Green tea can make it possible.
- Low fat dairy products- Calcium is extremely good for hair but make sure they are low fat otherwise you might end up increasing your weight.
- Protein in Chicken passes this rich nutrient onto hair growth too! Without protein your hair will become brittle and easily break.
- Kick start your day with one amla. It will not only give you lustrous hair but will also build up your immune system against cough and cold.
- Drink healthy- Hair can gather a lot of nutrients from drinks like coconut water, buttermilk, lime juice. They will also keep your body hydrated.
- Lat but not the least; drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day.
As important it is to include all the above mentioned foods for healthy hair in your diet it is also important to have a balanced diet, it is your key to healthy hair.
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My hairs are very weak, light and thin.. from past few days hair fall also increased.. what should I do?