Electronic Cigarettes: A New Way of Quitting the Habit

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Smoking cigarettes is one of the most dangerous addictions. People who are addicted to this habit know how dangerous cigarettes are but won’t make an effort to quit. Here’s how cigarettes, can cause you harm.

Smoking causes cancer

Cigarettes are also referred to as ‘cancer on a stick’ or ‘cancer sticks’. The carcinogens present in cigarettes, especially in the tobacco, cause various kinds of cancer, the most common and dangerous one being lung cancer. Cigarette smoke can also increase chances of getting cancer in the voice box, mouth, lips and throat. According to some studies, cigarette smoking can cause cancer in various organs like, kidney, pancreas, stomach, oesophagus, bladder and cervix.

Causes chronic bronchitis

One deadly disease caused by smoking cigarettes is chronic bronchitis. This is basically a chronic inflammation of the lungs that is characterised by breathing difficulty and excessive coughing. However, the intensity of the condition depends on how long you have been smoking cigarettes.

Diseases in the blood vessel and heart

Cigarette smokers also run a risk of having strokes and heart attacks. The carbon monoxide in cigarette fumes causes the hardening of arteries which in turn leads to strokes caused by the clotting of blood in the brain. Also, the nicotine in cigarettes may cause the arteries in the arms and legs to tighten. Therefore, the risk of blood clots increases and also damages the arteries round the heart.

Causes Emphysema

Emphysema is a long term disease of the lungs that is associated with smoking. The early symptom of the onset of the disease is the shortness of breath caused while exercising or during other activities that require exertion. With passage of time the condition becomes worse as the patient might also feel out of breath even when he is resting. The symptoms that develop later are production of excessive mucus, coughing uncontrollably, wheezing and the formation of a blue tint in the eyes.

Some other side effects related to smoking


  • Here are some less dangerous side effects of smoking:
  • The skin begins to wrinkle at an early age
  • Teeth start yellowing
  • You are faced with difficulty with sleeping
  • You run a high risk of fracturing bones in the hip, wrist and spine
  • Soreness in the throat
  • Bad breath

There are many ways in which people try to quit smoking to save themselves. Some of the common techniques are by using nicotine patches or by chewing nicotine gum. One new way of quitting is by switching to tobacco free electronic cigarettes. These electronic cigarette kits are also available online, so if you want to get rid of this bad habit, you can buy it conveniently from online stores.

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