Post Weight Loss

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If someone has a goal of losing a lot of weight, they are usually only focusing on that goal until they have reached their desired weight. But what happens after that weight is all gone? After someone has accomplished their initial goal of losing weight, what do they do? Stop working out? Continue living in the same habits as before? Work out harder? Don’t work out as much? What about the extra skin that is still present after someone has lost a lot of weight? What if someone wants to gain muscle after losing weight?

These are all valid questions and need to be addressed because there are a lot of articles that focus on HOW to lose weight and get to your goal, but very few articles that focus on what actually happens when you GET to your goal. Specifically, there aren’t many articles that talk about what happens after weight loss.

Common Myths

Firstly, let’s clear the air and make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to some myths that people share about the post-weight loss process.

Some people say that after weight loss you don’t need to work out as hard or do as much. This is FALSE.

Other people say that after you have achieved your ideal weight it’s okay to start eating like before. Again, this is FALSE.

The last belief that a lot of people have about the post-weight loss process is that once you lose the weight, you can’t gain it back. FALSE. You can gain it back. In fact, it’s much easier to gain it back.

Post Weight Loss


The introduction to this article might have sounded a bit harsh, but the truth is it’s important to remember to celebrate your wins. So, when you finally hit that milestone and reach your goal, have some fun! Take a week off from the gym. Enjoy an extra snack or that desert that you have been craving since the summer.

Regardless of how you celebrate, don’t let it last for too long. What you don’t’ want to do is gain back unnecessary weight.


One of the easiest ways to gain back weight is underestimating how much of an impact the food you eat can have. It is absolutely vital that you continue watching what you eat and make healthy food choices even after you lose your excess weight.

Here are 3 ways you can accomplish eating healthy:

–          Don’t put yourself in situations where you are tempted to eat more

–          Skip seconds

–          Have desert twice a week instead of every single day.


After you have lost weight you might be tempted to stop working out as hard and as often as you did before. However, it is recommended that you continue setting goals for yourself and excel on a physical level. There are so many more goals to reach other than losing weight!

Here are 3 ideas for goals you can set at the gym:

–         Running a mile in under 10 minutes

–         Gaining a certain percent of muscle mass

–         Working out 5 days a week, for at least 1 hour each day

Massive Weight Loss

If you have gone through massive weight loss, chances are that you still have excess skin on your stomach area. Although working out can’t solve this issue, a Tummy Tuck can. In fact, many people who lose a lot of weight get a Tummy Tuck procedure and are extremely happy with the results. Although at Tummy Tuck is NOT a substitute for weight loss, it can be a healthy choice for those who need to get rid of excess skin.

4 thoughts on “Post Weight Loss

  1. Hi

    If someone win something then definitely one must go for celebration in my opinion. But it varies from person to person. I agree with you to have some goals must be set so that one can focussed on them while loosing weight. Diet must be in proper way that should not affect the human physique.

    And thanks for sharing such an informative editorial.


    1. I agree. Celebration is a huge key to success, but we must remember not to celebrate too long or too much. It’s a constant battle and to keep focused we need to keep our eyes on the goal. Thank you for your comment, Sakshi and I am glad that you enjoyed the article.

    1. Riya, you make a good point – working out and exercising can be fun! If you we work it into our schedules and think about it as something healthy and fun, it won’t become so much of a burden. Thank you for sharing your insight

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