12 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

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Let’s face it. Exercising is rarely fun especially if you are trying to lose weight. It’s not just the exercise itself but also the need to establish and maintain a routine, ensure that you are eating the correct supplements and also budget the time it takes to actually do enough exercise to lose weight! So wouldn’t it be great if you could shift some pounds without having to goes through this process. If you fall into the category of wanting to lose weight fast without exercise then this article is for you, though (and this should be obvious) your results will be much more significant if you do some exercise.


lose weight fast


1.  Meditation

Meditation is actually surprisingly effective for not one, but two reasons. Firstly because you are able to exhibit some (albeit not a significant amount) of control over your digestive process allowing speed it up. Guided meditation for weight loss makes the most sense because the recording will effectively tap into your subconscious.

Another way meditation is effective because it will improve your will power, meaning that you are able to better resist and stave any snack cravings.


2. None Conventional Exercises

There is a certain image which comes to everyone’s mind when the word exercise is mentioned. For me it is a guy in a tank top shorts and long striped socks swerving as he joins up a hill. However, what doesn’t tend to come to mind is someone hoovering or even doing the washing up. One of the best ways to lose weight quickly without exercising is to trick yourself into thinking you aren’t exercising when in fact you are. There are even two levels to this, you can do these sorts of activities more often or (my preference) you can do them more vigorously, by which I mean hoover hard and hoover fast.


Some of the things you can do could include:

  • Hoovering
  • Taking the stairs
  • Walking while on the phone


3. Change Your Diet

This will come as no surprise at all, considering the fact that this article is called how to lose weight fast without exercise. There is a pretty simple formula for weight loss exercise plus diet equals more calories burnt and fewer calories consumed. The issue with losing weight without exercise is that you have to increase the change in diet, this is possible however you run the risk of trading into dangerous areas where your weight loss becomes either dangerous or makes you look unattractive (bingo wins anyone?). So with that in mind the key to diet change is to reduce your calorie intake while increasing your intake of food and drink (water is particularly good for this) which stimulate digestion. Generally speaking the answer to what foods stimulate digestion are easy, nuts are really good for this as are white meats.


4. Change your Portion size

Another way to lose weight by changing diet is not just to change what you eat, but also how much you eat. This means that if can reduce the size of your portion by twenty percent you will go a long way to reducing your overall weight reasonably quickly. There is a pretty cool psychological trick which ties in with this which you can also try. Buy yourself smaller plates, basically what this does is trick your brain into thinking that it is getting a full portion when in fact you aren’t, you win because you are losing weight and your brain wins because it thinks you are getting the same amount of food.


5. Drink More Water

It was mentioned earlier in this post but water is phenomenal for weight loss. And what’s more drinking water to lose weight its super easy to utilize, all you have to do drink plenty of it and your body will do the rest, rather than me go into every detail about it take a look at this article called water for weight loss. After you have finished it swing back here and you can continue to lose weight without exercise.


6. Sleep more

Something odd happens when your body is asleep, you burn more calories. Nobody is really sure why this is but the point reminds that if you can grab an extra 20 zzz each night you will increase your weight loss efforts. Albeit this won’t have a significant impact on its own, however when combined with the other methods in this post it can help to shift some pounds.


7. Don’t Skip Breakfast

It may seem counter intuitive on the face of it but when you think admit it skipping breakfast is one off the worst things you can do for weight loss. Why? Breakfast is the first meal you have after you wake up from 8 hours of sleep (which as we already know is when you burn more calories), if you skip the first meal you are supposed to have you will be super hungry for the rest of the day and be prone to snacking, which is one of the worst things for weight loss. So bear that in mind next time you are in a rush in the morning.


8. A Note About Alcohol

This isn’t so much a weight loss method but more a cautionary warning, alcohol is horrendous if you trying to get rid of a belly. Beer in particular is a killer. So if you are looking to get rid of weight but can’t go without drink, vodka and diet lemonade is the way to go.


9. Food Journal

Another good way of increasing your weight loss efforts is to keep a weight loss journal, this works by giving you accountability. Often when people are trying to lose weight they willsnack, often without realizing what they are doing. One snack is normally not a problem, however the issue is that one snack leads to another and before they have realized it people haveover eaten. However if you write down everything you eat you then have the ability to both look back and say to yourself, ‘I’ve over eaten today, I need to do better next time’ but also you can track your actions as you do them, which in turn means that you can adjust your intake as you go along with your day, thus preventing harmful snacking.


10. Multitasking reduces digestion

Something else which one should be aware of is the fact that when you do more than one thing at a time your body’s ability to digest food is greatly reduced, the implication being that this will reduce the effectiveness of any of your weight loss efforts. What this means is that you shouldn’t be eating while doing things such as working, watching TV or reading.


11. Expose yourself to the Cold

Another interesting thing relating to weight loss is the effect cold has. Your body requires heat to survive, in order to produce this heat it must produce energy, which fortunately for those who are looking to lose weight requires calories. It may not have a significant effect on its own, but reducing the temperature of your surroundings combined with some of the other methods here can provide a fantastic boost to your weight loss.


12. Video games reduce cravings

A final thing which can reduce ones need to eat is by playing video games. And it makes sense; with your mind focused on something which is engaging it will ignore any impulses from your stomach saying eat. This doesn’t mean that you have to drop a few hundred dollars on an expensive gaming system; instead mobile games such as candy crush can keep your mind occupied enough to reduce food cravings.

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