Hair Loss Causes and Treatments

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Hair loss can still be one of the great taboos. A lot of people feel embarrassed to talk to someone about the issue. Yet what a lot of individuals do not realise is that they aren’t alone. So many people suffer with hair loss in the modern day. Furthermore, there are lots of different hair loss treatment options to choose from too. Nonetheless, before delving into what the treatments are lets first establish the different causes of hair loss.

natural hair loss treatment


The main causes of hair loss are as follows:


Anagen Effluvium – This is typically caused due to cancer medical treatments, usually chemotherapy.


Scarring Alopecia – This relates to permanent hair follicle damage. It is not certain why this occurs, however it is believed that certain conditions can bring it on, such as discoid lupus.


Male and female pattern baldness – The male version of pattern baldness is hereditary, however, it is unclear whether this applies to the female version. In fact, there is a lot of ambiguity surrounding female pattern baldness as a whole. Yet when it comes to men it is believed it occurs because of oversensitive hair follicles.


Alopecia Areata – This type of hair loss is because of an immune system imbalance. Essentially your immune system begins to attack your hair follicles. It is not certain why this is the case.


Telogen Effluvium – This is temporary hair loss that occurs as a reaction to an array of different things, such as stress and changes to your diet.


As you can see; there are various reasons why hair loss occurs, nonetheless there is thankfully an array of different treatments too. These are as follows:


Follicular Transfer – This is a surgical option, however, it is not very invasive. This is the most advanced and popular option to go for nowadays. It involves removing hair from one part of the head and inserting it into the area suffering from hair loss.


Medications – A lot of people don’t realise that there are options that aren’t surgical at their disposal. There are medications that stop hair loss and in some cases can reverse the effects. A good example of this is Finasteride. In addition to this, another popular choice of medication is Minoxidil. This stops the balding process and can actually lead to the encouragement of hair re-growth.


Scar Repair – Scars can often be caused due to hair loss and can lead people to feel extremely self-conscious. But the good news is that scar repair is an option, this is where hair restoration will take place on the scarred part of the scalp. This is a procedure which requires an in-depth consultation beforehand because every scar is different.


There is little denying the fact that hair loss can be distressing for anyone that ends up suffering from it. However, you need to know that this is actually an experience most people go through. More importantly, there are lots of different options at your disposal. Thus if this happens to you make sure you book an appointment with an expert and you can go through the options you have at your disposal. You will be able to discuss which one is likely to work best for you.


Author Bio

Alisha Smith is a self employed content writer who enjoys writing informative health articles. Over years he has written several articles on various hair loss treatment and its positive results.

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