How to cleanse your body all-year round!

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It’s the time of the year when everybody’s trying to take stock of all the things that happened throughout the past year.

Some of us have on our dream list of ‘must-haves’ a really beautiful, fit and healthy body!

What if there was a way to cleanse your system without having to depend on a yearly or once in a while detox retreat?

It’s worthwhile to remember that our bodies are constantly cleansing us from toxins on a day-to-day basis. When our system becomes overloaded though, our bodies’ natural cleansing mechanism is compromised and every cell becomes negatively affected.

While it’s best for you to find a detox program that best suits your needs, its worthwhile to remember that by feeding yourself the right foods that your body can digest and allowing your system to recharge and rejuvenate, you can aid your body’s natural cleansing mechanism on a regular basis. Here are 5 ways you can do this anytime, anywhere:

 body cleansing

1. Eliminate the overload of known toxins:

I say known toxins because many of our everyday furniture and even building materials might contain toxins that we’re unaware of! Run a scan of your cosmetics, toiletries and cleaning products. Which ones of them are natural, earth-friendly and chemical-free? One by one, start replacing each of them with natural alternatives. There are plenty of chemical-free and fully natural products available out there and by changing to these, you will be saving yourself from the overload of toxins that come from the chemically-laden products and can directly enter through your skin! Yes, even cleaning products that are on your floors, walls, washbasins can enter into your system and harm your body.

2. Drink lemon honey water:

First thing in the morning, try having a warm glass of water into which half a lemon and a spoonful of raw honey has been added (raw honey is unprocessed and the only kind you should have! Processed honey can be toxic) This simple drink can help you to feel rejuvenated and allow your lymphatic system to get hydrated and function better.

3. Use Dry skin brushing:

Have you tried dry skin brushing yet? If you would like a profound way of working your lymphatic system (responsible to flush out your toxins) then dry skin brushing is a must-do in your morning routine. Just before you step into the shower, take your brush and start with your hands, make long strokes in the direction of your heart. Make sure your grip is firm but not overly rough at the same time. Work through the rest of your body until your toes and then you’re ready for a shower. Just remember that lots of dead skin cells that are not visible to the eye will fall on the area where you’re standing and you need to wash it up later! This is also a great way to work on any areas of cellulite.

4. Eat raw foods:

Every once in awhile, try to eat fresh raw foods. Because these foods contain digestive enzymes, the factor that allows your body to digest them better, raw foods can be a great way to assimilate nutrients and keep your digestion healthy. Remember, the closer they are from being harvested, in other words, freshly picked, the better they are for you!

5. Rest well:

When you sleep your body gets a chance to replenish its reserves and renew itself. Deep restful sleep is a great way to ensure that your body’s natural cleansing mechanism functions optimally. Make sure that you take some time to wind down just before sleeping. Like a computer’s various applications and windows needs to be minimized, so does our mind’s ideas, thought processes and incessant thinking needs to be slowed down before we sleep. Just hand over everything to a force (source energy, the universe, god or anything else you trust in) and make the intention to rest fully well without thinking about anything. It will allow you to sleep well and for your body to get well on its path to feeling recharged.

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