How to make green tea

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Starting Your Day with a Cup of Green Tea Can Help You Stay Healthier and Happier
It is quite surprising that how easily people give up on Green Tea after their first experience. Yes, we agree that it is bitter, tastes raw and not a treat to your taste buds but the next time you try green tea, keep a famous saying in mind, ‘The bitter the Healthier.’
Though not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you want to stay healthy, fit and most importantly; shed those extra pounds, make an extra effort to make green tea ‘your cup of tea.’
So, to start with, do you know how to make green tea? Given that you almost given up on green tea, we will assume that you don’t. So, we are going to take you through the process of making the perfect green tea as well as let you know about its various benefits.
There are over three thousand varieties of tea found all over the world, each with its own unique character and scent. Amongst those three thousand is a variety commonly used and known for its antioxidant properties; the Camellia Sinesis, better known as Green Tea. Usually the tea we buy in the market is fermented but green is used in its unfermented form, simply hand picked and slightly dried to help retain its natural nutrients.
If we start penning down benefits of green tea, it will be a huge list. But so that you know what you are losing upon if you do not take green tea we are listing down a few:

  • Presence of antioxidants in abundance helps delay onset of ageing
  • Helps in preventing cancer
  • Shields your heart from diseases
  • Can prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
  • Prevents tooth decay, helps in throat infection
  • Helps remove toxic wastes from your body thus resulting in losing weight

Simply knowing benefits of green tea is not enough, knowing how to prepare green tea in the right manner is equally important. Usual tea which is available in the market is a fermented and dry version, but when we talk about green tea, its secret lie in the fact that it is not too much dried. This is what helps the leaves retain its natural nutritional value. Taking this into consideration it is very important that its natural antioxidants are not lost during making it too otherwise it will lose its natural contents. Therefore, unlike other teas, you should not boil your green tea leaves. All you have to do is:

  • Boil you water(without the leaves)
  • Turn off the water and put green tea leaves into it
  • Set aside for some time for it to brew
  • Strain the liquor and you cup of green tea is ready!

To take in the maximum nutrients from the tea as possible, do not add milk or sugar to it. But if at all you just cannot do without sweetness in your tea, you can add a bit of honey. Green tea is a great beverage, so why don’t you make it a part of your life too? Not only will it shield you body from various degenerative diseases, but will also help you lead a healthier and happier life. After all, a good health is your key to happiness!

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