Reaching Your Goals without New Year’s Resolutions

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New Year’s resolutions don’t work for most, instead why not make an achievable goal that you can reach. Follow these tips to help you make your target.

‘New Year – New You’, how often have you told yourself this come January only to have given up by February?  It’s time to ditch the resolutions and instead focus on goals. Robert H. Schulleronce said “Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.” The promise and pressure of New Year’s Resolutions can be a challenge in themselves so instead why not set some small achievable goals and stick with them, not only will you be more likely to succeed but you will also feel good about reaching your desired target. Below are a few easy tips to succeed in completing your goals!

Pick the right goal

Pick a goal that will really impact your life for the better. For example, making a goal to eat healthier when you already eat relatively healthy while although a good goal won’t enable you to see the full potential an achieved goal can have. Choose something outside your comfort zone and something you don’t normally do, when you achieve this goal you will reap the full benefits.

One Goal at a Time

Setting too many goals is setting yourself up for failure before you even begin. The good intentions are great but you are creating unachievable standards for yourself, and furthermore creating extra guilt when you inevitably don’t reach your goals. Pick one goal and keep it simple, it’s the small changes that make a big difference in the end. Also by choosing just one goal you can focus all your time and energy into the one objective and you have a far greater chance of being successful.

Write It Down

Putting pen to paper has proven to be more effective than simply telling yourself what your goal is. Whether you write it on post-it note or on an app on your phone, write it out. Put it somewhere that you will see on a regular basis so it acts as a constant reminder. A good place to stick it is on the bathroom mirror so you see it daily (motivational pep talk with your reflection optional!)

Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back

don't give upThe end goal although the main focus shouldn’t be your sole purpose. Along the way acknowledge the good work and effort you are doing. If you goal is to go running twice a week and you have kept it up for three months why not treat yourself to a new pair of trainers to say ‘Well done me!’. These rewards along the way will act as further motivation to your end goal.

This New Year let your only resolution be not to make any resolutions. Instead work towards goals, you have a greater chance of success, will see a real noticeable change and will also feel good about yourself for hitting your target.

Author Bio:

The following article is written by the Fitness Instructor Jennifer who is a professional trainer and practices in Canada. He is a professional writer and presently providing his views on workout sessions, health and fitness.

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