Winter Workouts

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With winter well on the way finding the time and means to exercise effectively during the shorter days and colder weather can be difficult and demotivating. While many who pursue a healthy lifestyle might have previously enjoyed a morning run, but the cold weather and dark mornings can make many of us give up and go into hibernation until spring.

While the winter weather can make exercise a little more unpleasant it can also make your efforts more effective, as the cold weather can force your body to burn more body fat in order to keep you warm. The most important thing is to keep yourself warm enough to stay healthy, this will prevent you from catching a cold or worse, hypothermia. While curling up on the couch for a nap might seem like a much better idea it is important to continue your exercise if you want to continue your progress.

Option One is simply to move your workout indoors. This would require some indoor gym equipment such as a cross trainer or treadmill but could provide you with just the answer you were looking for if you want to avoid the cold outdoors altogether. Of course those who want to avoid the purchase of equipment may need to turn to a gym, this is something that many are already a part of and you may find yourself wanting to take advantage of your membership much more during the cold winter months. Of course the problem with gyms is that you actually have to go there to do your workout, ensure you’re motivated enough and ensure that you make time in your schedule for this, otherwise you may find yourself more and more tempted to skip sessions.

Winter WorkoutsFor those determined enough to continue their outdoor exercise plans there are of course plenty of options that can make your usual exercise plans a little more comfortable during the colder months. Start by dressing warmer; multiple thin layers offer more flexibility and a better cooling down result than a single thick layer, so select carefully. Make sure the layers you select breathe well; sweat on your skin will make you feel colder, so good breathable but wind repellent fabric will work best for what you want.

Running in particular can be impacted negatively by cold weather, there are however things you can do to make the run seem a little warmer. Moving your workout to a point later in the day when the sun is up and the weather seems a little warmer can make a huge difference to your workout; but avoiding running in the dark is the first step to motivating you more. Map a route that avoids open spaces and large bodies of water; these often have much stronger winds and as a result they do often feel much colder.

Protect your skin with sunscreen; this helps to keep the skin moisturised and prevents cracking as a result of the cold but also prevents sun burn as a result of snow glare, which is surprisingly common during the winter.

Activities with friends can make the cold weather workouts feel much more enjoyable, you’re certainly less likely to notice the cold when enjoying a conversation with a friend. Of course if you can’t find a friend who is as interested in a cold weather run as you are you can always go for a walk instead, this will still help you to burn calories and is certainly better than doing nothing. If your friends still aren’t up for the idea suggest ice skating, this is a popular hobby and activity, particularly during the winter, and helps you to burn a surprising number of calories.

It is important to stay dry and warm during the winter, after a workout you should cool down gradually by removing one layer at a time and shower soon after if possible. Even if you can’t shower is it important that you change into warm, dry clothes after removing your workout clothes.

Author Bio:

Kate is a keen writer who is extremely interested in health and fitness. She particularly enjoys writing about bodybuilding supplements and their benefits.

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